Приветственное слово Генерального директора

FaLang translation system by Faboba

Words of welcome

Welcome to the website of International Research and Production Holding “Phytochemistry”- the leading developer oforiginal plant-based medicines in Kazakhstan and Central Asia.
The phytochemistry, or the plant chemistry as one of the leadingareas in the chemistry of natural products, plays an important role in eliminatingand identifying plant substances of practical importance. As technology is developed and new achievements of mankind arise, anin-deep study of plants and their potentials in the treatment of diseases remains as relevant as ever.
Our organization started operating in 1977, at the premises of a small laboratory of chemistry of natural products in the Karaganda Chemical Metallurgical Institute. At that time, it was conducting large-scale comprehensive studies to study the wild-growing flora of Kazakhstan: elimination, determination of the structure of new molecules, their chemical modification, and determination of bioactive power.
Today, International Research and Production Holding “Phytochemistry” is the center for innovative pharmaceutical projects, which has introduced a full technological cycle, from the processing of crude plants, the production of a substance to the production of finished pharmaceutical forms, reference plant-based preparations.
Phytochemistry Holding includes 12 research units of chemical, pharmacological, pharmaceutical and biological profile. It employs about two hundred employees, including two academicians and three corresponding members from the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 17 doctors and 42 candidates of sciences, 27 PhD candidates and undergraduates.
We are proud of our international scientific contacts, which account about 40 institutions in 15 countries for the entire time of our operation.International cooperation with top research institutes, universities of the world is aimed at developing scientific and technical cooperation, improving the qualification of our researchers, conducting joint scientific researches.
But our main value is the scientists, employees of the Holding. The person is at the center of everything we do, and we provide opportunities for professional growth in our organization.


Honored worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan, academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan, laureate of the State Prize of Kazakhstan in the field of science and technology, Doctor of chemical sciences, Professor

Sergazy Adekenov